
Strike action from Thursday 27 June to Tuesday 2 July 2024

Junior doctors at The Christie will strike from 7am on Thursday 27 June until 7am on Tuesday 2 July 2024.

We are proactively contacting patients with appointments that may be affected. If you have an appointment on any of these dates, please continue to come to The Christie and our other centres as planned, unless we contact you to tell you otherwise. Please do not call to check if your appointment is still going ahead.

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Cutting edge research trials take place at The Christie

September 2020

The Christie continues to be at the forefront of cancer research and innovation with hundreds of clinical trials taking place every year. These trials help patients with a wide range of cancers and help researchers perfect new treatments for the future.

2 patients who recently benefitted from clinical trials at The Christie are 36 year old mother of 4, Kadiatou Diallo and 71 year old Geoff Pritchard. Both featured in national newspapers including the Daily Mail and Daily Mirror and also on television news bulletins.

Kadiatou Diallo
Photo caption: Kadiatou Diallo

Kadiatou, from Leeds, was suffering from bile duct cancer which then spread to her pancreas.

After being told initially that her treatment wasn’t working, she planned her funeral and picked her plot in the cemetery.

However, after being offered a place on the TAS-120 phase II trial at The Christie by her oncologist, Professor Juan Valle, she has seen an 87% reduction in her tumours.

Kadiatou Diallo said: “Our prayers were answered and I have literally come back to life. The next step for me was the hospice. You must never give up and never refuse a trial if it’s offered to you.

"I now feel well, my hair and eye lashes have grown back and I can enjoy being with my husband, children and my community who have been my backbone when I was so sick.”

Geoff Pritchard
Photo caption: Geoff Pritchard

Geoff, from North Wales had a rare form of mouth cancer. After having radical surgery, he was devastated to learn his cancer had returned.

He joined an immunotherapy trial at The Christie but was so ill he was admitted to a hospice near his home.

Incredibly though, a few days later his tumours started to shrink. And within a couple of weeks, he was sitting up in bed and feeling considerably better. He is now cancer free.

The father of four and grandfather of 13 said: “I feel so lucky. It really is a miracle. I’m clear of the cancer and I now have a new lease of life.

"To think I was so close to death and now I am able to enjoy life again. My family were even planning my funeral and my wife Tina had bought suits for our sons. If it wasn’t for the clinical trials team at The Christie I wouldn’t be here. All the staff have been absolutely incredible.” 

Last updated: April 2023