The register of interests for the board of directors and council of governors are available at board of directors public meetings and council of governors.
Two of the core values of the NHS are accountability and transparency. In line with the NHS Standard Contract General Condition 27: Conflicts of Interest and Transparency on Gifts and Hospitality, the Trust holds a Declaration of Interests Register and a Gifts and Hospitality Register enabling all staff to be as open as possible and declare any actual or potential conflict of interest, and any accepted gift and/or hospitality, including sponsorship.
Staff declarations are all available on The Christie NHS Foundation Trust's My Declarations page.
For more information on these registers please visit the NHS England website or contact the company secretary’s office on 0161 446 3043.
Please email our Freedom of Information team at or write to the information governance team:
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust,
Wilmslow Road,
Manchester, M20 4BX
for any other requests.