Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC) study day

Wednesday 27 November 2024, 9am to 5pm

What to expect

Intended audience

Health professionals in all settings where patients with MSCC may present. This includes doctors at all levels (GPs, consultants, registrars, junior doctors), radiologists, AHPs and nurses


Once early bird finishes

All tickets (on-site and virtual) include access to the event recordings, resources and presentations for up to 6 months post-event date.

Sign up for the MSCC study day on Eventbrite today

Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC) study day - Wednesday 27 November 2024

Time Session
8.30 Registration
9.00 Welcome and introduction
Dr Claire Arthur, Consultant, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
9.10 Our MSCC service
Lena Richards, MSCC Co-Ordinator, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
9.20 When is back pain not just back pain? Red flags for MSCC
Dr Susan Greenhaigh OBE, Consultant Physiotherapist, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust 
9.50 Caring for the MSCC patient in the community
Dr Mary Ann Mahadevan, Specialist in Palliative Medicine, Willow Wood Hospice
10.20 Question and answer session

10.30 - break

Time Session
10.50 Treatment decisions - case-based approach to patient triage
                  - Surgical management
                  - Radiotherapy management
                  - Best supportive care 
Dr Claire Arthur, Consultant, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Dmitri Van Popta, Consultant Spinal Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital
11.45 Radiology: Imaging in MSCC
Dr Rohit Kochhar, Consultant Radiologist , The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
12.30 A patient's pathway 

12.50 - lunch

Time Session
13.30 Chairperson's welcome
Richard Berman, Consultant, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
13.45 Rehabilitation for MSCC patients: The role of the occupational therapist in rehabilitation and psychological aspects of MSCC
Laura Richards, Team Leader and Specialist Occupational therapist, Bolton Hospice
14.15 Rehabilitation for MSCC patients: Physiotherapy
Rachael Andrews, Senior Physiotherapist, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
14.45 Question and answer session

15.00 - break

Time Session
15.20 Bladder and bowel management in patients with spinal cord compression: How can we improve this aspect of care?
Carol Adcock, Lead Specialist Spinal Care Injury Nurse For North Regions, Spinal Injury Association 
16.05 Management of MSCC for patients with multiple myeloma
Mr Roozbeh Shafafy, Consultant Spinal Surgeon, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital 
16.50 Summary

17.00 - close

Last updated: February 2025