Wednesday 5, 12 and 19 February 2025 (9:30 am to 12:30pm) - virtual via Zoom
Course tutors: Vicky Phelan and Jayne Doyle
This course is invaluable for anyone who is working in a cancer care setting and who would like to gain the understanding and knowledge needed.
The course will help you feel more confident amongst other work colleagues and around patients/carers when discussing diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
During the course we will cover:
- possible causes of cancer and the methods used to identify health outcomes,
- the biology of cancer,
- principles of mainstream cancer treatments and side effects, how advances in scientific and medical research have the potential to personalise patient treatments, and
- the psycho-social and emotional impact of diagnosis.
Students will be required to complete directed tasks and reflective feedback (this will take approximately 4.5 hours).
Suitable for: Anyone working with patients, carers and family members affected by cancer in a health care setting, charity or private practice.
Please note: If you would like to book and make payment via invoice, please email