Services at The Christie

The Christie is one of Europe's leading cancer centres, treating over 60,000 patients a year. We have a history of over 100 years of leading cancer care.

Based in Manchester, we provide a networked service to a population of 3.2 million across Greater Manchester and Cheshire, delivering care as close to patients’ homes as possible. As a national specialist centre, around a quarter of our patients come to us from across the UK.

Or find it alphabetically:


Acute oncology

Our acute oncology team manage the unexpected care needs of cancer patients, including emergency situations and acutely unwell patients.

Ambulatory care

The Palatine ambulatory care service at The Christie is part of the haematology and teenage and young adult (TYA) services. It delivers some treatments on a day unit so patients don’t have to stay in hospital, meaning they can spend more time at home or in a hotel.


Bereavement services at The Christie

The loss of a relative or friend can be a difficult and confusing time with lots of details to sort out but help is available if you need it. The Christie bereavement suite can offer practical advice and will send out the medical certificate of cause of death to the registrar’s office electronically.

Blood room

The blood room (phlebotomy) is where patients come for blood tests. This is in department 35 (previously department 42). Opening hours are from 8am to 5pm.


Brachytherapy is the oldest form of radiotherapy, but also one of the least known. On these pages we hope to inform you about brachytherapy, dispel some myths and explain specific types of brachytherapy available at The Christie.



Chemotherapy is a type of treatment for cancer where medication kills off cancer cells. It is a type of systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT).

Christie Medical Physics and Engineering

Christie Medical Physics and Engineering (CMPE) provides medical physics and engineering support to a wide range of NHS and other institutions within the Cheshire, Greater Manchester and Lancashire area.

Clinical oncology

If you are referred to a clinical oncologist, this is a type of cancer doctor. Find out what clinical oncologists do and the different teams they work with at The Christie.

Colorectal and Peritoneal Oncology Centre

The Colorectal and Peritoneal Oncology Centre (CPOC) at The Christie has an international reputation for treating advanced and early colorectal cancer, appendix tumours, peritoneal tumours, anal cancer and tumours within the pelvis.

Complementary Therapy

As an integrated part of the rehabilitation unit we offer an award winning service which includes a range of Complementary Therapies, all free of charge, to patients and carers alike.

Complex discharge team

Read about the complex discharge team at The Christie who help patients with additional needs in relation to being discharged from hospital.



The endocrinology department at The Christie welcomes patients with all hormone-related diseases. We specialise in benign and malignant tumours of the hormone-releasing glands.

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)

The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery programme at The Christie


Gynaecological oncology surgery

The gynaecological oncology surgical team at The Christie provides advanced surgery for all gynaecological cancers.


Haematology and transplant unit

The Christie Haematology and Transplant Unit (HTU) provides comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of cancers of the blood and lymphatic system

Head and neck team

The head and neck team treats patients with tumours of the mouth, throat, head and neck.


Integrated Procedures Unit (IPU)

The IPU allows day-case patients to receive treatment in the same building. Our services include the procedures team, endoscopy, interventional radiology, a local anaesthetic operating theatre and pain management, clinics and plastics dressing clinics.

Interventional radiology

Interventional radiology uses high-tech equipment to carry out pinhole surgery



Information for anyone with a personal or professional interest in lymphoma including patients who are newly diagnosed or who have already received treatment, their family, friends and health care providers.


Medical illustration

The Medical Illustration team consists of clinical photographers and designers


The melanoma section is for anyone with a personal or professional interest in melanoma. It is also for patients with melanoma who are either newly diagnosed or who have already received treatment, and for their family and friends and associated health care providers.

Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC)

The Manchester MSCC service based at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust provides a single point of contact for primary and secondary care. We offer advice and coordination in the care of patients with suspected and confirmed MSCC in Greater Manchester and Cheshire.



Neuro-oncology is the management and treatment of tumours which occur in the brain and spinal cord (the Central Nervous System or CNS). We hope that the information contained in the following pages provides you with an insight into our service

Neuroendocrine tumour service

Read about our expertise, research, treatment and care and how we treat cancer patients with neuroendocrine tumour at The Christie.

Nutrition and dietetics service

We provide a nutrition and dietetics service to our inpatients and to some outpatient clinics. We have specialist dietitians working across many different specialties including head and neck cancer, upper gastrointestinal (GI) cancer, hepatobiliary cancer, lung cancer, haematology, and surgery.



All outpatient clinics operate from outpatients A (department 22). Patients can self-check-in at screens placed in the outpatients reception lobby, just off the main corridor. There are staff members and volunteers on hand at all times to help patients check in and find their way around the department. 



The Christie Pathology Partnership (CPP) is a joint venture between SYNLAB and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust in Manchester. SYNLAB in the UK is a trusted expert in clinical laboratory services. Commencing in 2014, the Partnership will run for 10 years and operates out of the existing Christie pathology laboratories, where around 70 staff have transferred from the NHS to the CPP.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

At The Christie, we welcome any feedback – good or bad – about any aspect of your contact with the hospital. You can find out how to give us your feedback here.

Photodynamic therapy

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a non-surgical treatment which uses a light-sensitive drug (photosensitizer) to destroy cancer cells. It can be used to treat different types of cancer, including a type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma (BCC).

Prostate Easy Access Support Service (PEASS)

The Christie Prostate Easy Access Support Service (PEASS) is a self-management follow up pathway for patients after prostate cancer treatment or only on hormone therapy treatment.

Proton beam therapy

The Christie is home to the UK's first high energy proton beam therapy service, an advanced form of radiotherapy that can be used to treat some cancers.


The service provides psychiatric assessment and treatment, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling to adult patients at The Christie with acute or chronic psychological problems.

The Christie Pharmacy

The Christie Pharmacy Company provides a number of services for patients. Our aim is to provide a service focused around the patient and to dispense medication in a professional and efficient way.



The radiology service provides diagnostic, staging, re-staging and interventional procedures for patients at The Christie before they have their cancer treatment.

Rehabilitation Department (Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy)

Rehabilitation Department (Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy)


Sarcoma service

The sarcoma service at The Christie is part of the Greater Manchester and Oswestry Sarcoma Service (GMOSS). GMOSS is one of 15 designated soft tissue sarcoma and one of 5 bone sarcoma services approved by NHS England.

GMOSS diagnoses and treats cancerous (malignant) and benign bone and soft tissue tumours. Because of the rarity of sarcomas, the pathways and treatments can be complex.

Senior adult oncology service

The senior adult oncology service is an outpatient service to support older people with cancer.

Older people with cancer can have poorer outcomes compared with those who are younger. Older people are also more likely to have health conditions other than cancer. The Christie has funded this new service to improve care, treatment, and experience for older people with cancer. 

The Supportive Care Team

The Supportive Care Team helps patients and families live as actively as possible by providing high quality pain and symptom control as well as practical and psychological support.


Teenage and Young Adult (TYA) service

The Christie’s Teenage and Young Adult (TYA) service cares for teenagers and young adults (16 to 24 years of age) with a cancer diagnosis and related illnesses.



The genito urinary cancer group at The Christie is one of the most advanced urological cancer teams in the country.

Last updated: February 2023