
Strike action from Thursday 27 June to Tuesday 2 July 2024

Junior doctors at The Christie will strike from 7am on Thursday 27 June until 7am on Tuesday 2 July 2024.

We are proactively contacting patients with appointments that may be affected. If you have an appointment on any of these dates, please continue to come to The Christie and our other centres as planned, unless we contact you to tell you otherwise. Please do not call to check if your appointment is still going ahead.

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The specialist upper gastrointestinal (GI) nursing service

The service is provided by a team of highly qualified and experienced nurses. They have specialist knowledge and skills in the care and support of patients with upper GI cancer.

The upper GI nursing service provides a key worker for patients who attend The Christie for treatment. A key worker is a point of contact for patients throughout their cancer treatment and follow-up.

Through the key worker, The Christie upper GI nursing service provides a link with other key workers and health care professionals at your referring hospital, as well as your GP and community nurses.

The service provides:

  • specialist nursing assessment and advice about problems you may be experiencing due to your disease or the treatment
  • comprehensive information about your type of cancer, treatment options, side effects and follow up care
  • time to talk through the information you have been given and discuss any concerns
  • support for you and your family or carers
  • a point of contact when you have questions or concerns between hospital visits.

For urgent support and specialist advice

If you feel unwell, you have symptoms of an infection or your temperature is 37.5°C or above, or below 36°C contact The Christie Hotline straight away.

Who are the clinical nurse specialists?

The upper GI clinical nurse specialists are experienced nurses who specialise in the care and support of people with cancers that affect the stomach and oesophagus (gullet). These are the organs in the upper half of the gastrointestinal tract (gut).

How to contact the clinical nurse specialists

  • Vikki Owen-Holt (not Tuesday)
  • Esther McQueenie
  • Sarah Tillott

Telephone: 0161 956 1073 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm)

Who can contact the nurse specialist service?

Any patient coming for assessment or treatment for upper GI cancer at The Christie can contact the nursing service themselves or by referral from another healthcare professional. The service is available for as long as you need it.

Other contacts

To discuss chemotherapy appointments, please call: 0161 918 7606, 0161 918 7610, 0161 918 7653 or 0161 918 7652.

To discuss clinic appointments, contact your consultant’s secretary:

Although you will be allocated a named consultant, it is not possible for them to review you at every clinic attendance. When you have telephone or face-to-face follow-up clinic appointments, you will be reviewed by other members of the upper GI team including junior doctors or nurse clinicians.

Research nurses

The Christie is both a national and international centre for clinical research. Your consultant may speak to you about taking part in a clinical trial. You will then have the opportunity to meet a research nurse who has experience in upper GI cancer research and has specialist knowledge of new drugs and clinical trials.

Other information

Macmillan Cancer Support

Provides a wide range of support for people affected by cancer. This includes up-to-date, expert information as well as practical, emotional and financial support.

Call 0808 808 0000 or visit

Cancer Research UK

If you have any questions about cancer, call the cancer nurses on freephone 808 0800 4040. Cancer information is available in 170 languages via an interpreter.

The cancer information centre

The cancer information centre is in the Oak Road reception area (department 3). Open Monday to Friday. Opening times can vary, so please ring to check before making a special journey.

  • The Christie in Withington: 0161 446 8100
  • The Christie at Oldham: 0161 918 7745
  • The Christie at Salford: 0161 918 7804

Maggie's Centres

The Maggie’s centres provide a full programme of free practical and emotional support, including psychological support, benefits advice, nutrition and head care workshops, relaxation and stress management.

Maggie's Manchester: Tel: 0161 641 4848 or email

Maggie's Oldham: Tel: 0161 989 0550 or email

Last updated: July 2023