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Both of our clinical leads have completed PhD, these projects focused on aromatherapy, relaxation and reflexology. In addition, the team have completed a number of service evaluations and pilot studies.

They have also contributed to multi-site projects on acupuncture and fatigue, breathlessness and lung cancer, and nausea and chemotherapy (see Publications). 

Acupuncture & Peripheral Neuropathy Study

This study is funded by Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB). Recruitment started in April 2015. Co- applicants Peter Mackereth (Clinical Lead) and Jacqui Stringer (Principal Investigator); this is a randomised controlled trial of acupuncture plus standard care versus standard care for chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy. 

CALM Service & Essential Oils Project 

‘Walk the Walk’ Funding started in 2012 with the projects led by Peter Mackereth and Jacqui Stringer.  The award covered the employment of a full-time nurse researcher to assist in evaluating the provision of interventions to assist with needle anxiety/phobia, claustrophobia and distress related to medical procedures and treatment (CALM service). Interviews were completed with patients and carers, resulting in a series of publications and conference presentations. Funding was also used to develop case series of essential oil products addressing specific symptoms.

Service Provision & Evaluation of the Calm Project

Led by Peter Mackereth with initial funding from the ‘Walk the Walk’ breast cancer charity, this project started in June 2010 and enabled the team to continue and expand a piloted service within the chemotherapy and radiotherapy units. Service evaluations were completed and formed the basis of a larger bid. 

Last updated: February 2023