Some contact forms on the website are currently down - if you need to get in touch, please call or email


This page will provide you with some general information before undertaking apheresis.

  • On the morning of the procedure, you will need to attend department 26 (haematology day unit) at 8am unless otherwise advised.
  • We do not currently allow visitors into the apheresis room; this is to protect the privacy of the other patients and to minimise the risk of communicable infections. If someone accompanies you to the appointment, there is plenty of seating around the hospital and they are welcome to visit one of the cafés, the garden or the conservatory.
  • We advise that you drink plenty of fluids the night before and the morning of the appointment.
  • You can eat and drink normally throughout the procedure, and we will provide sandwiches, soup, and fruit for lunch. You are more than welcome to bring your own drinks and snacks.
  • Please wear something warm and comfortable as the room you will be in is air conditioned and the procedure usually takes 4 to 5 hours.
  • We would encourage you to bring something with you to help pass the time e.g., a book or electronic device. We recommend headphones if you plan to watch/listen to something as the apheresis machines can be quite noisy.
  • Using the facilities – we are unable to disconnect you from the machine once the procedure has begun, so if you require the bathroom, a commode/urinal bottle will be provided.

Contact numbers

  • Apheresis/donor nurse co-ordinators: Out of hours 0161 446 8167/8124
  • The Christie Hotline: 0161 446 3658 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Last updated: July 2024