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Conditions we treat

There are many different types of tumours which occur in the CNS. 

The majority of tumours we see are primary tumours, meaning they arise from the cells in the CNS.

The tumours are divided into two categories: 

  • Benign’ or ‘Low grade’ - non-cancerous, generally slow-growing tumours, Grade 1 or 2.


  • ‘Malignant’ – cancerous, potentially fast-growing tumours, Grade 3 or 4.  

We also see some patients who have secondary cancers, known as ‘metastases’. These are cancer cells that have spread into the CNS from another part of the body. 

Information on how patients with different types of tumours are referred into our service can be found on our neuro-oncology service overview page

The majority of our patients are adults, however we also see teenage and young adult patients. More information about the treatment of children (aged < 16) and teenage and young adult patients (aged 16-25) can be found on our Teenage and Young Adult service pages.

More information on the treatment of tumours of the pituitary and skull base can be found on the SRFT website:

Last updated: March 2023