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The specialist sarcoma nursing service

The specialist sarcoma nursing service at The Christie is provided by a team of highly qualified and experienced nurses. They have specialist knowledge and skills in the care and support of patients with sarcoma. 

The service provides: 

  • ongoing advice and support for patients, their partners and families 
  • information and advice about various treatments, including research trials and management options
  • a point of contact when questions or problems arise
  • a link to other health professionals involved in your care at home and in hospital
  • information about useful organisations and patient support services. 

Who can contact the nurse specialist service? 

Any patient coming for assessment or treatment for sarcoma at The Christie can contact the nursing service themselves or by referral from another healthcare professional. The service is available for as long as you need it.

Ann Buchan, clinical nurse specialist     

  • 0161 446 3094
  • 0161 446 3000, bleep 12906

Wendy Winn, clinical nurse specialist

  • 0161 918 2196

Jill Dickinson, clinical nurse specialist

  • 0161 918 2196

Mandy Bell, clinical nurse specialist

  • 07787 275658

Please note: we work a variety of hours, Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm. We have an answerphone for messages if we are unavailable when you ring. If you need urgent medical care, please contact The Christie Hotline on 0161 446 3658.

Research nurses 

The Christie is at the forefront of clinical research and strongly believes in giving our patients the opportunity to participate in research.

During your care, you may be approached by your consultant or one of the research team to tell you about opportunities available to you to participate in research both in clinical trials and research studies.

If you wish to know more about clinical research, please contact the sarcoma research team by email on or by phone on 0161 918 2309.

Last updated: March 2023