Ashique Ahamed

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Ashique Ahamed

Job title

Consultant in Supportive Care and Palliative Medicine

Email Address

of secretary/PA:

Phone number

of secretary/PA: 0161 446 3072




Supportive and palliative care

Started at The Christie (Year)



Inpatient and outpatient review of patients referred to the supportive care team. Educational and clinical supervisor for palliative medicine trainees. Involved in QIP projects and research related to supportive care. Service development of the supportive oncology.

Professional biography

Dr Ahamed graduated from Pavlov Medical University in St. Petersburg (Russia) in 1999. He came to the UK in 2002 and completed his junior doctor training in Portsmouth. He passed his MRCP (UK) in 2006, and then went on to complete specialty training in Palliative medicine in Sheffield. He obtained his CCT in Palliative Medicine in 2012.

Dr Ahamed was the clinical lead for the department of Supportive and Palliative Care at Manchester Royal Infirmary from Oct 2012 to Oct 2021.He moved to The Christie NHS Foundation Trust in November 2021 to pursue his interest in Supportive Oncology management of complex cancer symptoms. Dr Ahamed’s special interests include cancer late effects and cancer survivorship.

Research Interest

Survivorship related symptoms and late effects of cancer.


The Rise of Supportive Oncology: A Revolution in Cancer Care