James Cavet
James Cavet
Job title
Consultant Haematologist
Email Address
Phone number
0161 446 3278
BA (Cantab.), MBBS, FRCP (UK), FRC Path., PhD
Haematology, Myeloma, Cellular therapies
Consultant Haematologist; myeloma lead; drug and therapeutics management; electronic prescribing
Professional biography
Dr Cavet trained in medical sciences at King's College, Cambridge, then studied clinical medicine, postgraduate medicine and haematology in Newcastle-upon-Tyne (including his PhD on Graft-versus-Host-Disease).
Dr Cavet has been a Consultant Haematologist at The Christie since 2003 and is lead for myeloma, with interests in novel myeloma therapies, especially non-chemotherapy, AL amyloidosis, paraproteinaemic neuropathies, Castleman's disease treatment, stem cell transplantation and immunomodulation.
He is a member of the MyelomaUK Early Phase Trial Network Steering Group.