The Christie is a site for COVID-19 RECOVERY trial

Posted 9 April 2020

The Christie is now one of the sites for a national trial, designed to test potential treatments for the COVID-19 coronavirus.

The ‘Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 therapy trial’ – also called the RECOVERY trial for short – is a national study which most UK acute trusts are participating in.

Currently, there are no available treatments for COVID-19. The RECOVERY trial is looking at a number of different treatment options to see how effective these are in treating COVID-19.

The RECOVERY trial is currently the only COVID-19 interventional trial we have open at The Christie. It has 5 arms randomised to testing different drugs.

Over 2,000 patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 have been recruited nationally for the RECOVERY trial so far. The Christie is pleased to announce we recruited our first patient on 3 April 2020.



Last updated: May 2023