461 Results

Help us build our new scanning and imaging centre

We want to build a new Advanced Scanning and Imaging Centre (ASIC) to make the scanning experience better for our patients – donate to The Christie Charity today.

Support research to give melanoma cancer patients healthier lives after treatment

Donate to The Christie Charity today so our experts can make sure melanoma patients can have full and healthy lives after cancer.

Support our next cancer research breakthrough

Donate to The Christie Charity today and you can help fund cancer research to bring the next medical breakthrough into reality.

Sally Hayton, Christie patient

“I feel so fortunate that I’ve been treated at The Christie. Funding the new building will connect patients with scientists, researchers and clinicians.”

Bill Ridley, Christie patient

“Since I’ve been on the tablet trial, I’ve never felt better. It’s the best I’ve felt in four or five years. The quality of life changed overnight when I started taking the tablet.”

Jenni Wagstaffe, Christie patient

“The new centre will help clinicians offer more surgical advances to other people, like the one that saved my life. It’s the best cause to support this Christmas.”

Shirley Bulmer, Christie patient

“For me, a donation would be worth every penny, because it helps so many people and without the research we wouldn’t be where we are today.”