461 Results

Christie finance team, Christie fundraisers

“Together, we were the absolute dream team, we encouraged each other and at times literally dragged each other round, we couldn’t have got through it alone.”

Ellie, Niamh and Matthew, Christie fundraisers and staff members

“We all work at The Christie, and we all get to see the great work that goes on there. It’s quite inspiring to see the effect it has on people, and on people we know as well.”

Emma Phillips, Christie fundraiser

“Whilst I don’t feel that we could ever thank The Christie enough for everything they have done, [we] feel very lucky to be able to raise money for this wonderful hospital by participating in the Great North Run.”

Helen Langan, Christie patient

“Being able to book my own on line blood test at my nearest bloods closer to home service at St Luke's in Winsford gives me even more control.”

Kevin Jones, Christie patient

“I would say to anyone who is in a position to donate to this, you’ll never know just how much of a difference you could make to other peoples. lives. So please help if you can.”

Lyndsey Griffiths, senior teenage and young adult clinical nurse specialist

"The earlier you catch [Ewing Sarcoma] and the earlier you start treatment, the more beneficial it’s going to be for the patient.”

Mat Wheelhouse, Christie fundraiser

“I am in awe of the research that The Christie does into cancer treatments and want to support it not only because it is a local cause to me, but because the effects of the research done there can be felt worldwide.”

Rachel Stevens, Christie fundraiser

“The staff at the Christie were amazing. They were kind and supported and made me feel relaxed during the treatment.”

Rob and James, Christie fundraisers

“[We] originally signed up to run the Manchester Marathon in April 2022 as we love a challenge… We have both had family members who have been diagnosed with cancer and so we have decided to raise money for The Christie in support of their battle against cancer.”