You can generate free donations for The Christie while shopping online at no extra cost to you through our online shopping partner easyfundraising.
With easyfundraising, over 7,000 retailers donate a small % of whatever you spend with them to your nominated charity for free. It’s no extra effort or extra cost for you – it just takes just 2 minutes to set up.
You can then download the easyfundraising Donation Reminder browser extension when you’re shopping from your computer. This will alert you whenever you visit a website where the brand offers a donation – making it easy to raise extra money in support of cancer patients.
You can also shop via the easyfundraising app. You’ll just need to search for ‘easyfundraising’ in your phone’s app store, install the app and sign up.
A handy donation reminder will show you a “donate now” button whenever you can raise funds for The Christie charity with an online purchase.
Your shop won’t cost you any extra – the brands pay for the donations on your behalf. Simply click the button, buy as normal, and the donations will start flowing through to support cancer patients and their loved ones.
Turn your everyday spending into life-saving donations today and help us work towards a future without cancer.
Raising money through easyfundraising as a business
It’s also easy to raise money for The Christie Charity if you shop online for your business. For example, does your company buy office supplies, book trains and hotels or order treats for your team online? You could be generating free donations for The Christie today!
You and your colleagues can easily raise over £100 a year each. That would mean thousands of pounds raised for The Christie Charity across the business, at no extra cost to you.
Every penny you raise through easyfundraising really makes a difference for our patients. Help us now to keep touching lives.