Join The Christie Charity and like-minded businesses at the Corporate Five Aside Football event with the Manchester Central Powerleague on Tuesday 3 September 2024.

This event offers football-loving professionals a chance to leave the office, focus on your wellbeing and make some new connections whilst raising funds for our cancer patients and their families.

Any company can sign up for the Corporate Five Aside Football event and all levels of ability are welcome with a tiered tournament format. All businesses involved also play for a place in the grand finals! Spectators are also welcome to cheer your team along.

Teams will also benefit from food and drink post match along with a prize giving presentation and a question and answer session from a former or current footballer.

If you are a business interested in entering a team and raising money for The Christie Charity, please email us at and we will be more than happy to support you with your fundraising.

An image of a man and a woman playing five-aside football, with words over the top reading "Manchester Event, Powerleague Central" and a logo in the top-right corner reading "Business Fives."

Key Info


Tuesday 3 September 2024, 1.30pm to 6.30pm




£495+ VAT (for up to 8 players)