Get running in 2024 and help us support cancer patients and their loved ones.

We are delighted to be the partner charity for the 2024 Run Tatton series. After running 10K events for the rest of the year, it’s time to step up a gear and conquer a half marathon in November! Join us at Tatton Park on Sunday 10 November 2024!

This fast, undulating road, closed race set at beautiful Tatton Park in Knutsford is a perfect event for runners to try and set a personal best over the 5K or 10K distances! The races go through the picturesque grounds of Tatton Park, and is a fully timed event, with medals, free official race photos, and post-race goodies for all participants.

By taking part in the Run Tatton Half Marathon in November 2024 with Team Christie, you can help us to make a real difference to the lives of cancer patients and their families right here in the North West and across the UK.

Want a place?

Sign up for one of our free charity places in the November Half Marathon event today. In return, all we ask is that you pledge to raise a minimum of £200 in sponsorship. Secure your place by completing the form below now.

You can also sign up for the Half Marathon event on Sunday 10 November 2024 through the Run Through website.  Don’t forget to select The Christie as your charity of choice to raise funds for us.

Or if you fancy a shorter distance, why not sign up for one of monthly Tatton 10K events:

Do you have your own place?

If you’ve already got your race place and would like to join Team Christie, we would love to hear from you! There is no minimum sponsorship – we are truly grateful of any donations.

You can request your sponsorship pack today.