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Our friends at St Thomas More RC College Denton took on our new school fundraising challenge – 60 for The Christie!

The idea behind the 60 for The Christie school fundraising challenge is to raise awareness of how far some patients in the UK have to travel for their cancer treatment. The average distance is 60 miles – this can be monthly, weekly or sometimes even daily.

In support of this, the staff and pupils at St Thomas More RC College Denton took part in a fundraising activity of their choice, involving the number 60 in some way.

The whole school were involved in general fundraising from 22 February to 1 April 2021, and 35 staff members and 15 pupils took part in 60 for The Christie challenges during this time.

We were inspired by the range of ways that the staff and pupils managed to raise money for The Christie Charity. Libby in Year 8 completed a 60 km run for her challenge, while Katie in Year 11 baked and sold 60 decorated cupcakes – raising £100 through her hard work and great baking skills!

“It was hard work but lots of fun and for such an important cause. We always fundraise as a community but the St Thomas More Lent Fundraiser is a big one so I went above and beyond and really pushed myself to complete my 60 for The Christie challenge. I raised £720 in total.”

  - Libby, year 8 pupil at St Thomas More RC College Denton

“Both of my grandparents have been treated at The Christie. I decided to do a 60 minute danceathon for my 60 for The Christie challenge. I did 15 different dances and raised £250.”

 - Alice, year 9 pupil at St Thomas More RC College Denton

“I raised £200 for our school’s 60 for The Christie Lent fundraiser by walking 60 miles. I’m really proud to support The Christie.”

- Lisa, teaching assistant at St Thomas More RC College Denton

The staff and pupils of St Thomas More RC College Denton are proud supporters of The Christie. The work of The Christie has impacted on many of our lives and anything we can do as a community to support the amazing care you provide unites us to go above and beyond. The ‘60 for The Christie’ challenge was a great inspiration – using this theme our pupils and staff were able to fundraise in new and exciting ways. '60' challenges made us very creative and involved baking, cycling, running, 60s theme dress up, to name just a few, but at the heart of all of the challenges was our collective aim to support The Christie.

Mr H Brophy, Head teacher at St Thomas More RC College Denton

Together, the pupils and staff at St Thomas More RC College Denton raised just under an incredible £7,000 for The Christie charity.

We’d like to say thanks for all of St Thomas More RC College Denton’s efforts to raise money in support of cancer patients and their families. Fundraising like this makes a huge difference to the care and treatment The Christie can provide.

Are you interested in taking part in 60 for The Christie? Please contact us on 0161 446 3988 or register online for 60 for The Christie.