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Stopping cancer earlier is something that our doctors, researchers and academics at The Christie are always hoping to achieve.

And one way they can do this is by asking patients themselves to report their symptoms during their cancer treatment.

Our exciting new research project, MyChristie-MyHealth, allows patients to tell their clinical team how they’re feeling before their next consultation. This helps to involve patients in their care and can improve symptom management and quality of life.

This game-changing service wouldn’t exist without the support of The Christie charity and our amazing supporters. A gift from you today could help us find even more innovative ways to transform cancer patients’ lives.

How MyChristie-MyHealth helps Christie patients

With MyChristie-MyHealth, patients complete a questionnaire about their symptoms, physical health and quality of life before an appointment. These questions will reflect their diagnosis and treatment – so if they have head and neck cancer, it will ask about problems with swallowing.

The answers then go directly to the patient’s clinical team. They can look over them, see if there’s any potential problems, and adjust care before the next appointment.

Over 4,000 patients have used MyChristie-My-Health to update clinicians on their health and wellbeing between consultations. The results show that the service is making living with cancer easier for many patients in several ways:

  • Picking up issues earlier and adjusting treatments means patients are more likely to complete their treatment
  • Patients can tell their clinical team about a concern or a worrying change in symptoms sooner
  • Consultations are more focused: the clinician already knows the patient’s concerns and can plan ahead
  • Patients feel more involved in their own health and cancer treatment, which may lead to improvements in quality of life
  • If the patients have no change in symptoms, they may not even need to attend a follow-up appointment, reducing the stresses of having to travel to hospital

By giving to our Answers to Cancer appeal today, you could help us achieve the best possible outcomes for cancer patients as new, lifechanging treatments become available. Please give whatever you can and help us find even more answers to cancer.

Transforming patient care

MyChristie-MyHealth is transforming the day-to-day lives of so many patients. Patients like Mary, who used MyChristie-MyHealth to report her symptoms after being diagnosed with lung cancer in 2021. Read Mary’s story to see how she found the surveys and how they helped her treatment.

As well as helping patient care, MyChristie-MyHealth is also improving our understanding of how patients interact with clinicians. This will feed into more research aimed at improving clinical outcomes.

This could be hugely important as we introduce new treatments at The Christie, such as immunotherapy or advanced radiotherapy techniques.

It’s only due to our fantastic supporters that MyChristie-MyHealth is available at The Christie. Having this additional resource to investigate improvements in patients’ experience is hugely beneficial, both now and in the future.

A donation from you to our campaign could help us keeping transforming cancer care, over and above what the NHS funds. It could mean better patient outcomes, kinder treatments and ultimately, better quality of life for cancer patients.

Last updated: July 2023