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Volunteer recruitment process

Applying for a volunteer role

Please download and read the full role description. If you would like to apply for a role listed, please download an application form. [Microsoft Word Doc - 876KB]

Once completed, please send your application form to or to the following address:

Marketing and engagement
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Wilmslow Road
M20 4BX 

Invitation to interview

If your application is successful, you will be invited to interview.

At interview, we take a copy of 3 pieces of ID to complete a DBS (Disclosure & Barring Services) application and discuss in further detail the role you have applied for and your motives for volunteering with us.

Contact referees

2 references will be taken up as soon as possible to minimise delays in the recruitment process. We advise that prospective volunteers inform their referees early to avoid delays.

DBS check

If you are successful in your volunteer role application at The Christie, we will ask you to fill out a DBS form.

Occupational health check

If you are successful in your volunteer role application at The Christie and you pass your DBS check, we will invite you to an occupational health screening appointment and may need to have your immunisations updated.

Mandatory training

You will need to complete online mandatory training - this provides a volunteer training certificate that is recognised by other NHS trusts. Training must be undertaken on a laptop or PC and is self-guided along with a short guidance video and document. Online training should be completed at your earliest convenience following successful appointment. Training covers fire safety, information governance and safeguarding adults and children plus additional mandatory subjects.

Mandatory training must be renewed every 3 years.

Local induction

You will then have a local induction with your named manager in the area of the hospital you will be volunteering. Once this has been completed, you will be ready to volunteer.

Last updated: November 2023