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The Christie International (Research)

The Research and Innovation division spans discovery science through proof-of-concept early trials to phase II and III trials that translate to new clinical guidelines and evidenced research to inform individualised care. Research at The Christie is connected and collaborative at a regional, national, and international level. Our researchers lead strategies in our networks to achieve world-leading impactful cancer research excellence. The Christie works closely with partners via the Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC) on several international projects and partnerships.

International partners help The Christie’s Research and Innovation division deliver high-quality clinical trials, attract top researchers, and develop practice-changing cancer research. The Christie International (Research) supports a range of these partnerships, and facilitates research links across our existing and new partners. Examples include:

  • Since July 2021, The Christie has been part of a global health partnership, the Kenya UK Healthcare Alliance. Through this alliance, researchers from The Christie and The University of Manchester are collaborating with Kenyan researchers in an NIHR-funded ‘Global Health Research Group Programme’ investigating early detection of oesophageal cancer.
  • In 2024, The Christie and The Peter MacCullum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia signed a partnership agreement. As part of this, we will encourage and facilitate best practice to improve clinical outcomes and patient experience and facilitate reciprocal exchange visits for our trainees. We will also be sharing expertise to support the training, education and development of our respective workforces and be undertaking joint research activities.

The Christie Research and Innovation division also hosts a substantial number of individual international learners seeking research experience and opportunities through either via the clinical observership programme for short-term observational visits, or via the international fellowship programme.

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