
Strike action from Thursday 27 June to Tuesday 2 July 2024

Junior doctors at The Christie will strike from 7am on Thursday 27 June until 7am on Tuesday 2 July 2024.

We are proactively contacting patients with appointments that may be affected. If you have an appointment on any of these dates, please continue to come to The Christie and our other centres as planned, unless we contact you to tell you otherwise. Please do not call to check if your appointment is still going ahead.

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Previous peritoneal tumour service patient days

We hold an annual peritoneal tumour service (PTS) patient day at The Christie. These feature inspirational presentations from patients and family members about their treatment at the Colorectal and Peritoneal Oncology Centre (CPOC).

We also feature presentations from consultants, physiotherapists, dieticians, occupational therapists, and clinical psychologists.

You can read updates from our previous PTS patient days below.

The PTS patient day was facilitated by Rebecca Halstead, lead PTS clinical nurse specialist. The aim of the PTS patient day is so patients can watch presentations on the latest treatments and research, listen to patient stories as well as hear updates from the PTS service.

You can watch back the recording from the first half of the peritoneal tumour service patient day and the second half of the day.

The day was devised and facilitated by Rebecca Halstead, Lead PTS clinical nurse specialist, focusing on patient feedback from the previous years to improve the content of this years’ event. The emphasis was to provide support, education and enable networking between patients, their families and the team. Presentations were given by both Patients who had undergone treatment and members of patients’ families which were emotional but inspiring to everyone in the room.

Lunchtime saw an interactive session with a number of stalls manned by Christie professionals including, Stoma care, Look Good Feel Better, The Christie Charity, Pseudomyxoma Survivor, Dieticians and Macmillan. The complementary therapy team also offered treatments to willing participants!

Consultants, dieticians and occupational therapists presented on useful insights into developing the running of the service, research, nutrition and fatigue management. There was a lively question and answer session which allowed the patients and their relatives to quiz some of our consultants. 

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and highlighted the supportive nature of the day.

We would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the day and the wonderful feedback that we have already received.

Our next Patient Day will take place on 29 April 2020.


We are very grateful to all of our supporters who have raised funds for The Christie Charity.

Any donation small or large allows us to support patients directly but also provides vital resources for education and research. The Colorectal and Peritoneal Oncology centre (CPOC) has specific named funds under the umbrella of The Christie Charity: should you wish any donation to go directly to these funds please let us know. The specific funds are Research (A00219), Education (A00331) and Generic (A00089) so if you wish your donation to be allocated for a specific purpose or project we can accommodate this.

Over the last 5 years, we have been able to use the funds for the following:

New Equipment: Video links / equipment; Non invasive ventilation device; Co2 insufflation for endoscopy; PIPAC intraperitoneal insufflation devices        

Education: Enhanced Video recording and live links from laparoscopic theatre to Auditorium; Allied health professionals and trainees to attend courses / association meetings; AHP course development

Research staff and projects: Pre-habilitation for Major Surgery and Chemotherapy; Pathological classification validation in PMP/Appendix cancer; Cost effective analysis of CRS and HIPEC in PMCR; Evaluation of Genetic Biomarkers in predicting outcome in patients undergoing CRS +HIPEC for peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer (PMCR); Evaluation of patient reported measures in anal cancer; PIPAC evaluation; Surgical oncology related research administration.

We are currently fundraising to support the development of an Academy of Surgical Oncology which will be a platform for CPOC to generate academic excellence in parallel with the clinical service.

The day consisted of a number of presentations to support and inform the participants about the work that is taking place at The Christie. Our Maggie’s Centre Head Sinead Collins warmly talked about the wonderful service they offer to support patients and anyone touched by cancer.

We had 2 patient guest speakers, Jenni Wagstaffe and Andrew Kidd, who both gave an inspirational and emotional talk on their cancer journey. We also had a different perspective from our patient Steven Farrow’s wife, Kay who bravely shared her story about her loved one on their cancer journey together. We want to thank them for courageously sharing what was a difficult time, with us, our patients and their relatives.

The day was devised and facilitated by Rebecca Halstead, Lead PTS clinical nurse specialist (CNS) with the help of a patient focus group and saw a number of the wider team attend throughout the day. Consultant surgeons and oncologist provided information on how the service is delivered, current and future including chemotherapy, immunotherapy trials and on overview of the research that the team has been undertaking. 

Lunchtime saw an interactive session with a number of stalls manned by Christie professionals including, Stoma care, Look Good Feel Good, The Christie Charity, Pseudomyxoma Survivor, Beating Bowel Cancer and Macmillan. The complementary therapy team also offered treatments to willing participants!

Initial feedback on the day was very positive and a satisfaction survey was disseminated; results will be collated to assist us in improving the content for future events. We hope to run an annual event, the next one being 9 May 2019. 

We would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the day and the wonderful feedback that we have already received.

The day consisted of a number of different presentations to support and inform all participants about the work that is taking place at The Christie including research and the website. We also had 2 guest speakers Steven Farrow who gave a fantastic and emotional recollection of his patient journey since being diagnosed with cancer and Samantha Deakin also gave us an informative presentation about her developments with setting up a peritoneal charity.

The day was devised and facilitated by Rebecca Halstead, PTS clinical nurse specialist (CNS), and saw a number of the wider team attended throughout the day. Lunchtime saw an interactive session with a number of stalls manned by professional members of The Christie display information including smoking cessation, Stoma nurses, Look Good Feel Good, The Christie Charity and Macmillan. The complementary therapy team also gave specific treatments to the participants. 

Overall the day was a complete success and the CPOC team wishes to continue to develop the day to be an annual event. A satisfaction survey was disseminated and results will be collated to see how the day can be developed.

We would like to thank everyone who attended the day and the feedback that we have already received.

Last updated: August 2023