
Strike action from Thursday 27 June to Tuesday 2 July 2024

Junior doctors at The Christie will strike from 7am on Thursday 27 June until 7am on Tuesday 2 July 2024.

We are proactively contacting patients with appointments that may be affected. If you have an appointment on any of these dates, please continue to come to The Christie and our other centres as planned, unless we contact you to tell you otherwise. Please do not call to check if your appointment is still going ahead.

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Patient booklets

The Christie produces a range of patient information that covers various aspects of cancer and cancer treatments.

Booklets are free to patients coming to The Christie and are available from the cancer information centre (department 3). The centre offers a confidential service for anyone affected by cancer. Please call in or contact us by telephone on 0161 446 8100.

We also offer a number of chemotherapy and immunotherapy information sheets about individual systemic anti-cancer treatments.

We've also recreated a limited range of patient booklets digitally below.

Or find it alphabetically:


A guide to your IVC filter removal [PDF, 144 KB]

This leaflet tells you about the procedure known as ‘inferior vena cava (IVC) filter removal’.

Imiquimod (Aldara 5%) cream for penile cancer [PDF, 104 KB]

Your doctor has recommended Imiquimod (Aldara 5%) cream as a treatment for your condition. It is a medicine which is used to treat superficial pre-malignant skin conditions which may develop into cancer.

Immunotherapy [PDF, 353 KB]

Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that helps your immune system to fight cancer by improving your body’s immune cells’ natural ability to target cancer cells. Read about this treatment and what will happen if you come to The Christie for immunotherapy.

Infection prevention and control [PDF, 101 KB]

Our overall objective is to promote the health and wellbeing of patients and staff by the surveillance, prevention and control of hospital infection. Read what we do, how you can keep yourself safe from infection in hospital and how to stay safe at home.

Inflatable penile prosthesis [PDF, 124 KB]

An inflatable penile prosthesis (or penile implant) is a medical device which is surgically inserted into the penis, scrotum and tummy through small incisions.

Information about using a vaginal dilator [PDF, 732 KB]

After radiotherapy to the pelvis, you may experience some side effects to the vagina. These can include vaginal dryness, irritation and soreness. Sometimes scar tissue (fibrosis) can form, causing narrowing (atrophy) or shortening (stenosis) of the vaginal walls.

These side effects are unlikely to cause any discomfort whilst undertaking your day-to-day living, however if sexually active or requiring a gynaecological examination they may result in some discomfort and difficulties.

Information about your GFR test [PDF, 110 KB]

GFR stands for Glomerular Filtration Rate. This test shows how well your kidneys are working to filter your blood.

For this test we will give you an injection containing a small amount of radioactivity (called a radioactive tracer) and we will also take 3 blood samples from you. This test allows your kidney function to be accurately measured by showing how quickly the radioactive tracer disappears from your blood.

Information about your procedural sedation and analgesia [PDF, 102 KB]

Procedural sedation and analgesia refers to a combination of medications (given via a cannula) that aim
to help you stay relaxed and comfortable during your procedure. You will have an opportunity to discuss
having sedation with the specialist nurse on the day of your procedure.

You can also read this information in an accessible format on our Information about your procedural sedation and analgesia page.

Information about your referral to The Christie [PDF, 111 KB]

You have been referred from the team at your local hospital to see one of the doctors at The Christie.

The Christie doctors have clinics in several other hospitals around Greater Manchester and Cheshire as well as at The Christie.

Information about your skeletal survey (skeletal X-ray examination) [PDF, 136 KB]

A skeletal survey examination involves taking pictures of different parts of your body using X-rays. The whole examination takes about 45 minutes. You will come to the radiology department at The Christie for this scan.

Information for patients about the importance of hydration [PDF, 101 KB]

Dehydration occurs when the body loses water faster than it can replenish the fluids. Thirst is the body’s natural response to dehydration. However, this is far less effective in older people and people who have had a stroke or who are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease can be particularly insensitive to thirst.

Infrapubic inflatable penile prosthesis [PDF, 136 KB]

The insertion of an inflatable penile prosthesis is reserved for patients who have tried all other options to regain their erections, but they have failed, or treatments have been unacceptable. It is also used in patients with Peyronie’s disease, and priapism.

Instillagel - information for patients [PDF, 104 KB]

You have been prescribed Instillagel to use due to pain or discomfort. This may be because of the cancer itself, or due to side effects of your radiotherapy treatment.

Instructions for taking PLENVU® bowel preparation [PDF, 82 KB]

If you have been prescribed PLENVU® bowel preparation, it is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that you take this bowel preparation in a safe manner and also have a clear bowel so that good views are obtained during your test.

You can also read this information in an accessible format on our Instructions for taking PLENVU® bowel preparation page.

Instructions for taking PLENVU® bowel preparation – prior to surgery [PDF, 77 KB]

If you have been prescribed PLENVU® bowel preparation before you have surgery, it is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that you take this bowel preparation in a safe manner and also have a clear bowel so that good views are obtained during your test.

You can also read this information in an accessible format on our Instructions for taking PLENVU® bowel preparation – prior to surgery page.

Insulin tolerance test [PDF, 110 KB]

This is an information sheet about the insulin tolerance test which checks if a body is producing enough cortisol and growth hormone.

Internal organ biopsy [PDF, 143 KB]

A biopsy is a procedure where a small piece of tissue is taken from the body. This can then be looked at under a microscope to tell what kind of cells are in the tissue.

Biopsies can be done using ultrasound or computed tomography (CT). Ultrasound uses sound waves, and CT uses X-rays, to look at tissues inside the body. The radiologist (radiology doctor) doing the biopsy will decide on the most appropriate method and use it to guide a needle into the right place to take a sample.

Last updated: April 2024