
Strike action from Thursday 27 June to Tuesday 2 July 2024

Junior doctors at The Christie will strike from 7am on Thursday 27 June until 7am on Tuesday 2 July 2024.

We are proactively contacting patients with appointments that may be affected. If you have an appointment on any of these dates, please continue to come to The Christie and our other centres as planned, unless we contact you to tell you otherwise. Please do not call to check if your appointment is still going ahead.

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Patients give The Christie top marks for inpatient care

Press release issued September 2023

Patients at The Christie have given the internationally acclaimed cancer centre top marks once again for the quality of care.

In the results of the annual national inpatient survey, published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on Tuesday 12 September 2023, The Christie performed ‘Much better than expected’ compared with other hospital trusts with an overall score that places it in the top 10 NHS trusts nationally.

The 2022 inpatient survey shows how The Christie scored against other NHS trusts throughout England in a series of questions that consider all aspects of the experience inpatients have when they are admitted to hospital. The survey was carried out amongst inpatients who were in hospital at The Christie during November 2022. It asked questions about hospital admission and discharge, the hospital and ward environment, care and treatment, their operations and procedures, communication with staff, involvement in decisions and being treated with respect and dignity.

Patients at The Christie gave the cancer centre a score of 9 out of 10 in the survey when asked what their overall experience was while they were in hospital, which was ‘much better than expected’ compared with other trusts’ in the survey. Results were also ‘better than most trusts’ for 14 questions, and ‘somewhat better than most trusts’ for 5 questions. Results were about the same as other trusts for 4 questions, and there were no results worse than most trusts, marking another year of consistently positive patient feedback.

Some of the main highlights from the survey were:

  • Patients felt that they were treated with dignity and respect while they were in hospital - (Scoring 9.6 out of 10)
  • Patients felt hospital staff answered their questions before being admitted into hospital - (Scoring 9.3 out of 10)
  • Patients had a lot of confidence and trust in the doctors treating them - (Scoring 9.4 out of 10)
  • Patients felt very satisfied with the amount of information they were given about their condition or treatment - (Scoring 9.4 out of 10)
  • Patients strongly agreed that they were given enough privacy when being examined or treated - (Scoring 9.7 out of 10)

Dr Neil Bayman, Executive Medical Director at The Christie, said: “We strive to deliver the highest quality care and services for our inpatients, putting patients at the heart of everything we do. We are delighted to see another year of consistently positive feedback in this year’s survey from those who are using our services.

“Listening to patient feedback through surveys like this and acting on the findings means we persistently do our utmost to provide the best inpatient experience possible. We are proud that our efforts are appreciated so much by our patients in surveys like this but are never complacent and are always looking for ways to improve.”

In total, 133 acute and specialist NHS trusts were surveyed, and responses were gathered from 63,224 patients.

The Christie had a response rate of 47.77% compared with the national response rate of 40.2%. There were 558 patients at The Christie who completed the survey.

Last updated: September 2023