Radiotherapy to the skin
This information has been written for patients having superficial radiotherapy to the skin. Radiotherapy is the use of exact, carefully measured doses of radiation to treat disease.
Radiotherapy to the prostate
Read about external beam radiotherapy to the prostate at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, a specialised centre for radiotherapy.
Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) to lymph nodes
Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) to the lymph nodes is precise and high dose radiotherapy, and may reduce pain more effectively than standard radiotherapy.
Radiotherapy to the lung
This information is about external beam radiotherapy to the lung at The Christie, a specialised centre for radiotherapy.
Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) to the bones
This information aims to help patients and their families understand more about stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) for cancer treatment to their bones at The Christie.
Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR) to the lung
This information aims to help patients and their families understand more about stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) for lung cancer treatment at The Christie.
Radiotherapy to the pelvis for anal cancer
This information is about radiotherapy to the pelvis for cancer of the anus if you come to The Christie NHS Foundation Trust for this treatment.
Radiotherapy to the pelvis for rectal tumours
This information is about radiotherapy to the pelvis for tumours of the rectum. It describes all possible treatments if you visit The Christie for this treatment.
Radiotherapy after breast surgery
This information is about radiotherapy after breast surgery at The Christie. Not all the information in here may apply to the type of treatment you are having.