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Claudia Finamore, Christie patient

“I feel like I have come a long way, and while my journey is not over, I feel like I am not on my own.  I have to thank all the team at The Christie for the progress I have made, and the hope I have for my future.”

Katie Blackwood, Christie patient

“Thanks to all the wonderful staff at The Christie, I was back holding my son in time to celebrate his second birthday and looking forward to a more positive year ahead.”

Complementary therapy

An award winning service which includes a range of complementary therapies.

Complementary therapy awards

View our list of awards and achievements won by the complementary therapy team at The Christie

What complementary therapy do

Find out about the services and treatments we offer

How to refer a patient to endocrinology at The Christie

Find out how you can refer a patient for primary care to the endocrinology department at The Christie.

Christie Medical Physics and Engineering

Christie Medical Physics and Engineering (CMPE) provides medical physics and engineering support to a wide range of NHS and other institutions within the Cheshire, Greater Manchester and Lancashire area.

Referral to The Christie

Find out about meeting your consultant clinical oncologist

A myeloma treatment story from a Christie patient

Hear from a clinical trials patient talking about their experience at The Christie after they were diagnosed with melanoma and had no treatment options.

Transition to The Christie Teenage and Young Adult (TYA)

Find out what happens when your cancer treatment moves from children's services to teenage and young adult services.

TYA: Fundraising for The Christie charity

The Christie charity provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds - see how you can get involved.

Proton beam therapy – adult/young adult (TYA): A guide for patients and their carers

The Christie offers one of only 2 high energy NHS proton beam therapy (PBT) centres in the UK. Teenage and young adults having proton beam therapy will also be assigned a youth support coordinator who can offer practical and emotional support.