Our team of advanced nurse practitioners are registered nurses who have acquired the expert knowledge base, complex decision-making skills and clinical competencies for expanded practice.
Our role
- Provide a lead role in the clinical assessment and treatment of patients
- Provide support and training nursing and medical staff in the clinical areas
- Support on-call medical staff as key member of the first on-call team
- Non-Medical prescribing expertise
- Deliver teaching programmes to all disciplines
Benefits to staff
- Senior nursing support during unsociable hours.
- Advanced clinical skills.
- Communication link between staff.
- Educational resource.
- Support for new doctors.
Benefits to patients
- Established advanced nurse practitioner service.
- Holistic care.
- Reduced patient waiting times.
- Increased patient safety.
- Incorporate specialist clinical skills with experienced nursing care.
Senior nurse manager: paula.hall1@nhs.net