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Peritoneal tumour service (PTS) 20-year anniversary

News story published 26 August 2022

In 2001, The Christie took a bold step in becoming a specialist centre for the development of treatments for peritoneal cancers. These are rare tumours and at that time, very few had experience in delivering the complex treatments needed to help patients with these rare conditions.

Over these 20 years, we have received over 4,700 referrals and undertaken nearly 2,000 major surgeries. In 2001/2, we received 4 referrals and did 4 major operations: 20 years on, in 2021/22, we received almost 600 referrals and nearly 200 patients had major surgery.

The team has expanded to meet the demand and we are now 9 surgeons, 4 highly specialised CNSs, 5 HIPEC practitioners, 3 specialist medical and clinical oncologists, dedicated pathologists, radiologists, anaesthetists, critical care, theatre and ward staff. It truly is a multidisciplinary team of extraordinary proportion.

Over the years, we have gained valuable knowledge, skills and experience to improve outcomes for patients. Our overall survival in patients with low grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms, malignant appendiceal tumours and colorectal peritoneal metastases of 86%, 64% and 37% respectively at 6 years following surgery remain some of the best internationally published results.

Caption: A badge to celebrate 20 years of the peritoneal tumour service at The Christie

We continue to be a hub for training hosting 2 ACPGBI/RCS advanced colorectal malignancy fellows, 5 European Society of Peritoneal Surface Oncology fellows, and 2 International Fellows in Surgical Oncology: 1 from the Sri-Lankan Postgraduate Institute of Medicine and 1 from the National Board of Examiners in India.

As a leader with the Rand Academy, we have provided training and mentorship in peritoneal surgery to teams in Jordan, Pakistan, India, Azerbaijan, and engaged with international educational conferences in Italy, Austria, Holland, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, and USA.

Our peritoneal research portfolio has grown with over £5m in active grants from CRUK, MRC, and NIHR. Both The Christie charity and Pseudomyxoma Survivor charity have made a significant contribution to our patients’ and their families experience.

Since 2019 we have developed a translational research programme with dedicated laboratory facilities at MCRC, coordinated by a research manager, a post-doctoral laboratory scientist, a NIHR Academic Lecturer, a European Society of Medical Oncology fellow, and a PhD student.

The peritoneal tumour team are delighted to share our 20th anniversary year with our patients and all the staff and supporters that have become part of our extended family. We look forward to the future and hope to develop new treatment opportunities, improving the service and overall experience for all.

You can see some members of the peritoneal tumour service in the photos below.

Celebration event

A celebration of 20 years of the peritoneal tumour service took place on the 27 September 2002 in The Christie Foyer. It was a memorable day and so many staff and patients came to join us for cake and listen to the wonderful pianist Eric.

You can see some members of the peritoneal tumour service at the event in the photos below.

Sarah O'Dwyer and Malcolm Wilson

Rachel, Rebecca and Sarah

Lisa, Omer and Rachel

Lisa, Rebecca and the ward managers

The CPOC team

Rebecca and Sarah cut a cake

Last updated: March 2023