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Rehabilitation service FAQs

When are physiotherapy and occupational therapy services available?

Inpatient and outpatient services operate Monday to Friday 8am-5pm.

How do I contact a physiotherapist or occupational therapist?

  • Inpatient: On admission the medical and nursing team will undertake an assessment and identify any rehabilitation needs and make a direct referral to our inpatient therapy team.  Alternatively if you feel you have any physiotherapy or occupational therapy based needs then please ask your nurse to make a referral on your behalf.
  • Outpatient: Lymphoedema referrals can be made by your Consultant, GP, clinical nurse specialist or another allied health professional (Physio etc).
  • Breast, Sarcoma and Plastic referrals can be made by your consultant, clinical nurse specialist or another allied health professional (Physio etc)
  • Teenage & Young Adult Oncology Services: Please contact the physiotherapist or the Occupational therapist by phoning the ward on 0161 446 3925 to arrange appointments and attendance to the available classes/groups. 

Last updated: March 2024