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Teenage & Young Adult Rehabilitation Services - Palatine Treatment Centre

Our dedicated physiotherapist and occupational therapist offer rehabilitation and support services to both inpatients and outpatients, during and after treatment. 

The physiotherapist provides individualised physiotherapy programmes as well as a number of group supported activities and classes, which include:

Drop-in Gym sessions –

  • Every Wednesday 10.30-12.30: Available to all inpatients/outpatients
  • Held in the new, well equipped private gym area on the palatine treatment centre floor 2

Ward activities:

  • Table tennis
  • Wii games etc.

Avascular Necrosis (AVN) Support group – Every 2 months – Jointly run by physiotherapy and occupational therapy. 

The occupational therapist provides holistic support to address both physical and emotional difficulties during a cancer diagnosis.  This includes providing equipment/adaptations to increase independence with activities, one-to-one support to address psychological issues such as anxiety management, confidence building, and anger management, and groups such as:

  • Body Image Support Group-

Every second Wednesday of the month 13.30- 15.00 followed by Look Good Feel Better

  • Weekly baking group: Patient access to engage in meal preparation in the occupational therapy kitchen.

Last updated: February 2023