David Thomson

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David Thomson

Job title

Consultant Clinical Oncologist

Email Address


Phone number

0161 446 8457




Head and neck

Started at The Christie (Year)



  • Head and neck oncology; treating patients with intensity-modulated radiotherapy, proton beam therapy, systemic therapies
  • MAHSC Honorary Chair and Professor at the University of Manchester
  • Honorary Professor of Oncology at the University of Liverpool
  • Clinical Lead for Head and Neck Cancer at the NHS Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance
  • Clinical Lead for Research at the NHS Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance

Professional biography

Professor Thomson is an experienced clinician with an international reputation in his field of head and neck oncology. He leads a clinical and translational research programme to improve the outcomes for patients with head and neck cancer. Professor Thomson is chief investigator for 3 large multicentre head and neck cancer clinical trials. He is both the clinical lead for research and lead for head and neck cancer in Greater Manchester.

Professor Thomson has roles on several head and neck cancer guidelines and strategy groups including those for NCRI, HNCIG and PTCOG. He is an Associate Section Editor for the leading international radiotherapy journal (IJROBP), has a wide range of head and neck cancer publications including papers in major journals such as Journal of Clinical Oncology and Lancet Oncology, and has delivered a number of invited lectures at national and international meetings.

Research Interest

Advanced radiotherapy technologies and adaptation; proton beam therapy; salivary gland cancers; tumour hypoxia modification; clinical trials

Educational Interests

Postgraduate medical education; radiotherapy quality assurance


The Christie Private Care

Dr. Thomson also practises privately at The Christie Private Care