Operations at The Christie are undertaken by specialists working in multidisciplinary surgical teams of a type not found elsewhere:
- Operations involving the bowel, uterus, bladder etc can be undertaken at the same time with the involvement of colorectal surgeons, gynaecologists and urologists in the same operation.
- The Christie is able to provide intraoperative chemotherapy treatments such as in the treatment of peritoneal surface tumours.
- Patients who may require other treatments as well as surgery can have this provided on the same site e.g. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
- The Christie has a specialist palliative care service and psycho-oncology service developed for the needs of patients including those undergoing surgery.
- Surgical care is immediately available for those patients with complications of non-surgical cancer treatments (required in about 20 operations per year).
Audit data shows that in a 12 month period (2015) from a total of 512 major operations performed by the Colorectal and Peritoneal Surface Surgical team there were 158 operations involving more than one of the core pelvic team disciplines of colorectal, gynaecological and urological surgery.
For example, In 55 operations colorectal surgeons supported gynaecological surgeons and in 46 operations gynaecologists worked with colorectal surgeons making a total of 101 procedures in which these two disciplines worked together. In another example, in 12 operations colorectal surgeons supported urological surgeons and in 45 operations urological surgeons supported colorectal surgeons making a total of 57 procedures in which these disciplines worked together. In 37 operations there was involvement of all 3 core pelvic surgical disciplines.
Surgical services have the following consultant staff:
- Plastic surgery (4 surgeons),
- Gynae oncology (4 surgeons),
- Uro oncology (4 surgeons),
- Colorectal surgery (7 surgeons).
These surgeons work in parallel operating sessions which allows multidisciplinary operating in a way which cannot be guaranteed elsewhere.
Patients with rare, recurrent or advanced cancers undergoing care at The Christie have access to the full range of supportive services which they require and which are the hallmark of a cancer centre. We are not aware of this scale of multi-disciplinary operating, combined with the specialist non-surgical specialist support being available anywhere else in the world.