Each and every person who works at The Christie performs a valuable role which directly links to patient care. Whether it is a nurse delivering chemotherapy treatments, a member of the administration team sending out an appointment letter, a surgeon performing a robotic procedure, the domestic teams ensuring our wards are spotlessly clean, or an IT engineer keeping our computer systems running, there is a huge variety of roles that come together to make The Christie special.
All our staff go to tremendous lengths to help each and every one of our patients and together: We are The Christie.
Emily O'Hagan, a former hairdresser, is our wig fitter, supporting patients who lose their hair during chemotherapy treatment. She's been working at The Christie for around 18 months.
“When people come to see me, they can be quite emotional as losing their hair is a very personal thing. I guide them through what we have available, help them choose and show them how to look after it. It can give them a newfound confidence during treatment.