
Strike action from Thursday 27 June to Tuesday 2 July 2024

Junior doctors at The Christie will strike from 7am on Thursday 27 June until 7am on Tuesday 2 July 2024.

We are proactively contacting patients with appointments that may be affected. If you have an appointment on any of these dates, please continue to come to The Christie and our other centres as planned, unless we contact you to tell you otherwise. Please do not call to check if your appointment is still going ahead.

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Thyroid gland issues

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland inside the neck. It sits in front of the trachea (windpipe) and below the larynx (voicebox).

It uses small amounts of iodine to produce two thyroid hormones, T3 and T4. These hormones control many aspects of health, including the body’s "metabolic rate", body weight and temperature, heart rate and blood pressure, mental alertness and growth in children.

Some of the main issues the thyroid gland can cause include: 

  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
  • Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)
  • Thyroid nodules 

At The Christie, thyroid cancer is treated by the clinical oncology teams.

Last updated: May 2023